Each User has their own notification settings. Notifications can be sent via email and/or push notification if using our iOS or Android app. If using Subaccounts, you can have different notifications set up for each Subaccount you manage. To edit your notifications go to Settings > Notifications.
Email Notifications
Opt-in - receive an email when someone new becomes a Subscriber. Most often this is when someone new opts into your account by texting a Keyword.
Incoming Text - receive an email when you receive a new incoming text (questions, prayer requests, comments).
Message Fails - receive an email whenever a message in your account fails to send.
Keyword is used - receive an email anytime one of your Keywords are used.
Opt out - receive an email whenever a subscriber opts-out.
Credits Low - receive an email when your credits are low.
Credits Depleted - receive an email when your account is out of credits.
Push Notifications
Push Notification on Incoming Text - receive a push notification when you receive a new incoming text. Make sure you have push notifications enabled on your mobile device as well.
If your church uses Slack, you can also view and respond to incoming texts from directly within Slack.