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Creating a Signup Form
Creating a Signup Form
Michael Lepinay avatar
Written by Michael Lepinay
Updated over a week ago

A signup form enables new subscribers to join your list from within your website. Like your website’s email signup form but for texting.

Things to Know

  • There are 3 different embed options for signup forms.

  • Double-opt-in confirmation is required for all form opt-ins.

  • Forms can be used on all plan levels, including our free trial.

  • Each account can have an unlimited number of forms.

  • Subscribers are able to reply to any message they receive, including from auto-responses.

Common Use Cases

  • Text-message alerts signup - The most common use case for forms is to enable website visitors to signup for your Clearstream list(s). Multiple forms can be used for unique pages on your website as each form can be tied to a specific list.

  • Integrate your Clearstream account with your website's current contact form or CMS - the HTML embed option lets you customize your form to look like and work with your current website's contact form or CMS form. You can also use our API if you need more control and flexibility.

  • Enable people to join your list via social media pages - The Hosted URL embed option enables you to use a URL that contains your signup form. Simply copy and paste the Hosted URL link anywhere you'd like.

Creating your Form

To get started with creating your new form, click "Integrations" on the left main menu. Scroll down and click View under Signup Forms. Forms can be edited or deleted at any time.


  1. Name Your Form. Create the name / title of your form. Note: this name does not have to be displayed at the top of your form. Once your form is created you will see an option to Hide Title.

2. Choose What Subscriber Info to Collect. By default, a form will capture the mobile number of a new subscriber. You can also enable first/last name and email address capture.

Subscriber data that can be captured in a form:

  • Mobile number (required)

  • First name

  • Last name

  • Email address

3. Select Which List(s) Subscribers Will be Added to. Subscribers are stored in lists. Create a new list or select the list(s) new subscribers will be stored in. Multiple lists can be selected.

4. Create an Auto-Response Message. A custom auto-response message will be sent to the new subscriber once they submit the form.

5. Click "Create Form". Your form is active as soon as you create it. You can always edit it's settings by going to Integrations > Signup Forms.

Embedding Your Form

Once your form is created, you will need to copy and paste the embed code into your website's HTML editor. Your embed code can be found at the bottom of the View Form page. There are 3 ways to embed or use your form: HTML, Iframe, or Hosted URL.

Embed as HTML

This is the simplest way to embed your form into your website. Copy and paste the code on your page into your website's content editor. By default, the form will fill the width of the container it's in. You can also make any inline styling changes to the form.

Embed as Iframe

Embedding your form as an Iframe lets you have the entire opt-in form within it's own frame. You can edit the max container width and height from within your form settings.


A hosted form uses a URL that is hosted by Clearstream. Simply copy and paste the URL. This is useful if you want to point people to your form from 3rd party websites such as social media.

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