There are a few ways to delay steps in your workflows using the "Wait" step:
Wait for a specific amount of time (minutes, hours, days, or weeks) to pass.
Wait until a specific time any day, or a specific time on a specific day of the week.
A combination of the options above.
Any wait time is based off of the time elapsed from the previous step.
Note: If you're looking to schedule a message sent from the messages page (not within a workflow), you can learn about that here.
Wait for a specific amount of time
First, select + Wait.
The first option is to wait for a specific amount of time by selecting Wait for. Here, you can delay your text by any number of minutes, days, hours, or weeks from when the previous step occurred. If you delay the first step in your workflow, your message will be delayed from when the keyword was texted in (in most cases you won't want to delay your first workflow step).
Wait until a specific time, day, or both
To send your message at a specific day/time select Wait until. You can also use both day and time together. For example, you may want your text to send on Saturday at 2:00pm.
If you're ever unsure about how a delay will work, check out the cell phone preview on the right side of your screen. This phone will show when each message in your workflow will send, based upon if someone texted in right then.
Commonly Asked Questions:
Can I send with a delay and send on a specific day/time?
Yes. You can set a text to delay two weeks, and then send on Saturday, for example. Clearstream will always follow the delay first, then send at the specific day of the week or time of day.
Can I delay texts in keyword workflows and automated workflows?
Yes, you can delay texts in both your keyword workflows and automated workflows.
What time will my message send if I only select to send on a specific day?
Your message will send at the same time of day that the previous step occurred. If someone texted your keyword or received a previous workflow text at 11am, they will receive your delayed message at 11am on the day you selected.