With this integration, you can sync your Planning Center Lists into Clearstream, send text messages to your people, and also have one-on-one conversations.
Click here for instructions on how to set up the integration.
Run the initial sync
Quick setup: Login > Integrations > Connect Planning Center.
After connecting your Planning Center account with Clearstream, you can select which People lists you want synced into Clearstream. Once your selected lists have synced, you can view them from the Subscribers page in your Clearstream account. People who don't have a phone number in Planning Center will not be synced into Clearstream, so it's common for your Planning Center lists to have fewer contacts once synced into Clearstream.
Lists will be automatically updated
People Lists are updated in real time to reflect any changes in Planning Center. If you make changes to your Planning Center lists (or they auto-refresh), those changes are instantly reflected in Clearstream. No need to manually re-sync a list. π
Unsubscribes will be automatically considered
When you send a message to your Planning Center list, anyone who opts out will remain on your list in both Clearstream and Planning Center, but will no longer receive any texts from your Clearstream number. This ensures people aren't receiving unwanted text messages from your church.
A few things to keep in mind:
If a contact in Planning Center does not have a phone number, they will not be synced into Clearstream. Because of this, it's common for your synced list to have fewer contacts in Clearstream than it does in Planning Center.
You can optionally exclude child profiles and/or inactive profiles from your Planning Center sync.
Planning Center Lists can only be edited from within your Planning Center account and cannot be tied to Keywords or Website Forms.
Any Planning Center lists you want to sync into Clearstream will first need to be made visible to the person who set up your Planning Center integration.
If you have any questions or want more information about how to sync your People lists, reach out through our support chat any time. We're happy to help! π